Marta Medina combines her professional life as a graphic-interface designer, multimedia technician, computer teacher, e-learning tutor, … with the creation of stage pieces using different languages such as audiovisuals, contemporary dance, video dance, interpretation and gestural theater, action theater…
Currently, she regularly attends and participates in performing activities in the region, being an active member of several associations and performing platforms of the principality of Asturias, a member of the CAI (Independent Artists Collective) as part of the organization of the samples carried out to date.
She works together with other performers in the creation of scenic pieces, focusing on body research and the inclusion of audiovisual elements. Carrying out collaborations in various projects and proposals by other artists in the region, highlighting among the most recent: collaboration with the dancer Izar Gayo in the scenic creation of the piece “Lights and shadows of a queen in des-tiempo”, collaboration in theLa Xata la Rifa traveling festivalduring 2014, 2015, dancer-performer at the Cía. dance and theaterLizard Tails2012-2013.
After years of work and collaboration with different artists and companies in dance, theater and other disciplines, he responds to his vital concerns by uniting different languages through dance, multimedia and audiovisuals in the company. The Infiltrated (2014).
He is currently enjoying an artistic residency at LABoral Centro de Arte, within the RASPA group (Red Asturiana de Performance y Acción) for the development of an interactive and installation performance piece, called Mov. Love yourself Ur.0x.