Marián Garrido


Born in Avilés 1984. Lives and works in Madrid.

A graduate in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid, she is following a Master’s in History of Contemporary Art and Visual Culture at MNCARS, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (Madrid). With a degree in graphic design from the Oviedo School of Art, she has worked for years in graphic design, going on to win the student Motiva Prize in 2005 and participate in the Experimenta Design Biennial, Lisbon. She teaches the history of design at the Instituto Europeo di Design, Madrid. 
Marian has also led and given various seminars and conferences, including Postanarquismo; Nomadismos e interzonas [Postanarchism; nomadism and interzones] for two years in the CortoCircuitos programme of Complutense University Extension, and En las ruinas del futuroel fantasma de la máquina [In the ruins of the future; the ghost of the machine], developed at RAMPA, with which she collaborates. She has coordinated Redes, the joint initiative of the Centro de Arte 2 de Mayo (CA2M) and the Complutense University of Madrid.
Currently, she works in the cultural programming department at MNCARS, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía in Madrid. 
Her major exhibitions include The Dark Gift, as part of Proyecto 9 at the Sala de Arte Joven in Madrid; B.Y.O.B. at Matadero Madrid; Dark mood Woods/The Red Room at the new sounds festival, ECO1 Fest Matadero; Presente Continuo-Nuevas Narraciones [Continuous present-new narrations] at the Centro Cultural Conde Duque, Madrid; Acieed 808, Barcelona; and The Wrong Biennale.