Was born in Luanco in 1958.
If in his earlier documented works back in the 80s, the influence of Paul Klee is clear, soon it will be the neo-expressionist current the one which, around 1989, will charged of gesture and matter her work: American Dreams, Albertina, Kleist Thun …, white series of action painting, of meet and clash with matter at its purest state.
Her vitality and adventurous spirit will make her, in the 90s, to seek for new forms of expression, more conceptual. If art is a concrete representation of inner feelings, her work from this period is a good example of this; but so is of her last works, where there is a firm commitment by a detachment of the superfluous to transcend forms: Un mar de dudas (2004), Sinsentido (2006), En busca de la artista desaparecida (2008).
Her current path has being time away from the expressive and informal graphics that characterized her early works. Only in appearance as the warmth of her style and the series, which as an obsession, take her to exhaust the reason, continue present. It is also the fragment and its many possibilities that increase the scale of the work. Format, small and close, is maintained, encouraging the viewer into an intimate approach and it is the economy of means and resources, reductionism that pushes to the limit.