Luz Mar González-Arias She is a Full Professor of English Philology at the University of Oviedo. Her main area of research is theories of the body and the Medical and Environmental Humanities, and she applies these theorizations to the poetry, narrative, film and visual arts of contemporary Ireland.
She has published extensively on illness (human and planetary), gender, and non-normative embodiments in recent Anglophone poetry. She directs the research group HEAL: Health, Environment, Arts and Literature at the University of Oviedo and is the Principal Investigator of the R + D + i research project “END: Disease in the era of extinction. Anglophone narratives of personal and planetary degradation (2000-2020)”, funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation.
He complements his academic activity with intense curatorial work and collaborations with the national and international artistic community. She curated the performances and exhibition of the Irish artist Amanda Coogan for the Niemeyer in 2016 and 2017. She is currently curating a photographic and literary exhibition about the confinement derived from the COVID-19 crisis and also works, together with the artists Laura Cueto and Venancio Mayo, in a series of artistic interventions on the Asturian coast.