
Creative studio, based in Utrecht in the Netherlands, which specialises in the development of online strategies for the cultural and creative sectors

Besides its commercial activity, INTK -´It´s not that kind´- explores the intersections of Art, Technology and Society through its research and development of artistic projects. The studio sprang up from a select group of people experienced in working in interdisciplinary teams made up of individuals from many different backgrounds ranging from Fine Arts to Science.

Its manager, Rui Guerra, who takes part in open code source culture with a critical view on communities, has been collaborating with a team from LABoral. Rui Guerra completed his studies in Computer Science and New Media. In addition to his teaching, working and collaborating with several institutions in the Netherlands such as V2_, Piet Zwart Institute and the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague, he is the co-founder of INTK. His views on online strategies have been circulated and expounded at several conferences, and most recently at Media Libraries and Archives for the 21st Century, Public Interfaces and Digital Strategies for Heritage.