

hackitectura.net (1999 > 2007) is a new “posse” of architects, programmers, artists and activists, dedicated to the theorybased and practical research of the emerging territories in which physical spaces, moving bodies and electronic flows reside.

Quietly moving between digital and physical space, the kernel consisting of Pablo de Soto, Sergio Moreno and José Pérez de Lama, a.k.a. osfa, collaborates on a regular basis with people like Marta Paz, a.k.a. sweena, an active member of the Cartography of the Straits project, and with a variety of networks of a variable geometry, both locally and globally.

Among the projects they have participated in, one would single out the GISS (Global Independent Stream Support, 2005-2007) network, Indymedia Estrecho (2003-2007), Fadaiat (Tarifa – Tangiers, 2004-2005), TCS2 Emergent Georgraphies, Extremadura (2007), or the ‘Plaza de las Libertades’, Seville (2005-2007).

