Performing company created in 2015. More than 15 years of experience in the theatrical or audiovisual field support us, actively collaborating with the most important professional companies in the Principality of Asturias. In recent years we have worked for The Princess of Asturias Foundation, APACI and Ikea, and we are also in charge of producing shows for children and adults. We create “a la carte” shows/events for companies like IKEA, with which we have collaborated from 2017 to 2020: “Greeter Clown” summer campaign, “2018 Catalog Presentation” (event and script), Thematic Galas Presentation, animations, shows Christmas, etc. The latest productions released in 2019 and 2020 are: “SNOW WHITE XXI” and “EPICA, A HISTORY OF THE FINITE KINGDOM”. And in 2022 we will release “caLORCAlor” and “Soy Cenizo”, both for children/family audiences. Professionalism, experience and a lot of work are the hallmarks of our project.