Elisa Cuesta is an artist and designer working around the integration of technology within society and nature, addressing themes such as the value of data, information infrastructures, and the figure of the diagram as a tool for speculation and knowledge generation.
Besides her creative work, she has been coordinator and producer of public and independent initiatives at the intersection of art, science and digital cultures, such as Tentacular (Matadero Madrid) and Madatac Festival. Her interest in learning with others led her to be in-house graphic designer at Medialab-Prado, Madrid’s citizen laboratory, and one of the co-drivers of AIDI, a community-led project supporting design, research and innovation practices based on DIWO processes. She graduated from Industrial Design and Fine Arts at Universidad Nebrija (Madrid), took a postgraduate course on Advanced Infographics at ETSAM (Madrid), and is currently taking an MA in Artistic Research at the Royal Academy of the Arts The Hague.
Her work has been exhibited at the Centre for the Promotion of Science (Belgrade), Science Gallery Dublin, Quartair (The Hague), LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial (Gijón), Sala de Arte Joven (Madrid), or Sala Borrón (Oviedo). She has been awarded the Asturias Joven 2019 Award to Young Visual Artists and the XI LABjoven_Los Bragales Production Prize.