Born in Gijón
Born in Gijón in the eighties, his creative mind began to develop by ruining the Jethro Tull and Pink Floyd vinyls that he found at home next to his father’s old Panasonic record player that he still has. A radio lover since he was very young and recording megamixes with a tape recorder, in mid-2005 he began as an active collaborator of the 90 decibels program on radio Parpayuela de Mieres for several years. At the same time, he combines it by writing various articles for music magazines such as DJMag, conducting interviews with national and international artists and being part of the Aquasella festival staff in several editions. He studied music production in Barcelona at the end of the 2000s and that increased his curiosity to continue training, this time in his native land, studying sound at the CIFP Cislan in Langreo. After finishing the internship at The Bass Valley and collaborating at Lanna Club during its second stage, including the opening and closing of the LEV Festival. In 2018 he is encouraged to develop the projects that he has in mind and after carrying out the entire creative and productive process during the LABoral-Impulsa residency, he presents NC 248 RADIO at LABoral Centro de Arte, which he hopes will have a huge reception.