Dr. Denise Ferreira da Silva is an academic and working artist. Her work addresses the ethical-political challenges of the global present. She is the author of “Toward a Global Idea of Race” (University of Minnesota Press, 2007), “A Dívida Impagavel” (Oficina da Imaginaçāo Política y Living Commons, 2019), “Unpayable Debt” (Stenberg/MIT Press, 2021) and co-editor (with Paula Chakravartty) of “Race, Empire, and the Crisis of the Subprime” (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013). His various articles have been published in prominent interdisciplinary journals, such as “Social Text”, “Theory, Culture & Society”, “Social Identities”, “PhiloSOPHIA”, “Griffith Law Review”, “Theory & Event”, “The Black Scholar “, to name a few. Her artistic works include the films “Serpent Rain” (2016) and “4 Waters-Deep Implicancy” (2018), in collaboration with Arjuna Neuman; and the relational art practices “Poethical Readings” and “Sensing Salon”, in collaboration with Valentina Desideri. She has exhibited and given lectures at important art centers, such as the Center Pompidou (Paris), the Whitechapel Gallery (London), the MASP (São Paulo), the Guggenheim (NEW YORK) and the MoMA (New York). He has also written for publications of important artistic events (Liverpool Biennale, 2017; São Paulo Biennale, 2016; Venice Biennale, 2017; and documenta14) and has appeared in notable art publications, such as “Canadian Art”, “Texte zur Kunst” and “e-flux”.