Her first short film as a director, “No Jungle” (2017), shows the experience of a group of Syrian refugees trying to cross to England from a makeshift camp in the city of Calais (France). Presented at more than 20 national and international festivals, it was premiered in the official section of the Malaga International Film Festival and received -among others- the award for Best Filmmaker from the Association of Women Filmmakers and Audiovisual Media (CIMA) and the special mention of the jury at the Alcances Festival in Cadiz.
As an editor, she works in advertising, video art – she is a regular collaborator of the artist Rosana Antolí, with pieces such as The Immortal Jellyfish (2019) for the Tate Modern in London – video essay and documentary. The development of creations with found footage is one of the main points of her practice, with pieces such as “Is this human?” for the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB) -which she also co-directs and co-directs-, on the mechanisms of manipulation of perception in far-right political discourses. In relation to this topic, he has developed participatory workshops in centres for unaccompanied minors in the city of Barcelona in collaboration with an international NGO.
She is currently developing the feature-length documentary “Guía de Confección sin Patrón”, conceived as a sewing manual and other practices based on the experience of the former workers of the IKE – Confecciones Gijón shirt factory during their 10 years of strikes.