Vicky Isley and Paul Smith. (United Kingdom, 2005)
Trained in Fine Arts, boredomresearch combine this discipline with modern technology to create software-based artworks that are presented as installations, objects or as online projects.
boredomresearch’s artwork demonstrates the high quality that is possible when their native discipline of fine art is combined with modern technology and acute critical and creative thinking.
They bring to their work a long held fascination and deep understanding of scientific modelling techniques; this combined with their high aesthetic ability both visually and acoustically gives them a unique perspective in the field. boredomresearch have exhibited internationally including Los Angeles, Berlin, São Paulo, Melbourne, Lisbon, the Venice Biennale and Brussels, in both solo exhibitions, group exhibitions, as well as a number of art festivals. Their artwork Ornamental Bug Garden 001 (2004) can be found in the British Council’s collection in London.