They live and work in The Netherlands. They are working as a duo artists since 2005
Their main project has been Metabiosis (2006 – 2008), a series of projects investigating narration through digital processes and machine theatre. Anthropomorphism is used to create a tension between fantasies about computers and artificial life, and the fact that these are simply projections of our ideas and thoughts onto objects. Mansoux & de Valk have participated in exhibitions throughout Europe; they teach workshops, give lectures and have published articles on Free/Libre/Open Source Software, free culture and art (a.o. xxxxx reader, Contemporary Music Review, Mute). They are editors of FLOSS + Art (OpenMute, 2008) as well as the Digital Artists Handbook (folly and GOTO10, 2008). Mansoux & de Valk are part of GOTO10; they are developers of the puredyne GNU/Linux distribution and make art festival.