Avelino Alonso trained musically at the Oviedo and Madrid Conservatories, with his most relevant teachers being E. Truan, P. Braña, J. Labrouve, JL Rodrigo and P. Gaudí. He further studies with A. Gonzalez Acilu, JL Villa Rojo, F. Chaviano, Electo Silva, C. Prieto and Walter Koenig, with the latter at the Institute of Sonology of the University of Utrecht. In 1981 he founded the contemporary music group Quasar GEM, with which he performs numerous concerts throughout Europe.
Avelino Alonso, as a composer, has been awarded a scholarship by the Council of Europe, the Principality of Asturias and the Provincial Council of Cuenca.
He has worked at the Institute of Sonology of the University of Utrecht, with a scholarship from the Council of Europe on the occasion of the European Year of Music, and in the Electronic Music Office of the Cuenca Conservatory, as a guest composer.
He has directed the contemporary music group Quasar GEM, the San Antonio choir, the Renaissance music group Gorgias Consort, the Rosario Acuña Women’s Choir and the Luís Quirós Choir.
His music has been premiered by performers such as the Clarinet Quintet of the LIM (Musical Interpretation Laboratory) that premiered A Morgana at the Museum of Fine Arts, Sala de Arte Contemporáneo de Bilbao on October 21, 1985, Flores Chaviano at the Caja de Ahorros from Navarra Sala de Cultura in Pamplona premiered Nairda on May 7, 1987, Luis Vázquez del Fresno premiered Diario on December 2, 1993 in the Collegiate Church of San Juan el Bautista in Gijón, the Mateo Flecha Vocal Trio from Vigo formed by: Alberto Cid Castro: countertenor, (1984) the Astur String Quartet formed by: Jacek Niwelt: violin, José Ramón Hevia: violin, Stawomir Arsznsky: viola and Marek Kubcki: cello, premiered at the Arango Theater in Gijón: Canto para un Infante on March 4, 1984 , Patrick Gaudí: Differences (1985), Isabel Rivas and Ramona Sanuy premiered Critical Days on Spanish National Radio (Madrid) on October 28, 1985, Lola Casariego premiered in the Campoamor Cultural Center Exhibition Hall. from Oviedo This blue darkness on September 11, 1987, Begoña Enguita premiered Iob He Vab He at the Cornión Bookstore on June 18, 1984 and also at the Evaristo Valle Foundation: Canciu de Seronda on December 8, 1985 and Invocation to the memory on December 10, 1993; Antonio Arias, Gerardo Arriaga and María Teresa Chenlo premiered Canciu de Signalda at the Museo del Prado Sala Juan de Villanueva in Madrid on November 29, 1989, Alicia González and Luis Morales (Dúo Alfar) premiered Alcordanza at the BMIC (British Music Information Center ) in London on July 14, 1998, etc… The Quasar GEM group has premiered various of their works.
Avelino Alonso’s music has been performed in various festivals and cycles such as the Alicante International Festival of Contemporary Music (September 1987 and 1990), Around electronic sounds in Mexico (January 1988), Bilbao Contemporary Music Festival, Latest Music from the Complutense University of Madrid (December 1984), Springs of Traditional Instruments in Current Spanish Music (ACSE, Prado Museum, Madrid, November 1989), Four Asturian Composers (Teatro Campoamor de Oviedo, October 1987 ), Music of the 20th Century (Reina Sofía Art Center of Madrid), The University and Electroacoustic Music (University of Málaga), Mid-Day Concerts (Fundación Juan March, Madrid), Contemporary Spanish Music (Embassy of Spain in Paris) , Asturias Day Commemorative Concert 1988 (Campoamor Theater in Oviedo), 3rd Cycle of Contemporary Music (Gijón-Oviedo), National Art Biennial of the City of Oviedo (June 1982 and November-December 1984), RNE Musical Mondays (National Radio of Spain, October 1985), III Cycle of Contemporary Music of Navarra (May 1985), Concert Series of the Rotterdam Conservatory, New Names of Spanish music on RNE, Current Spanish Music (Vancouver Radio, Canada 1988) and International Radio (Internet, 1996). He has also made several recordings for Radio Nacional de España, and for the European Broadcasting Union.
His music has been published by music publishers such as Voces en Off and EMEC.
In 2003, the Chair of Musicology at the University of Oviedo conducted a research project on his work.
He is currently director of El Coro de las Otra Voces and is working on a doctoral thesis on Philosophy of Music directed by the professor at the University of Oviedo JA Méndez.