Andrés Pachón Arrones was born in 1985 in Madrid, where he currently resides. In 2008 he graduated in Fine Arts from the UCM – CES Felipe II of Aranjuez. Since 2005 he has been selected in various national competitions, including the e-Crea 2010 award, Lleida, and the Acquisition 2012 award at the V María José Jové Foundation International Award, in Galicia. In 2010 he was part of the exhibition “Fármaco de lo real”. He has participated in international fairs such as ArteSantander2010, Foro Sur 2011, JustMad 4 or ARCOmadrid 2014. Over the last year he has presented his fourth and last individual exhibition, “Tropologies (from the studio of Fernando Debas)” at the Alcobendas Art Center, as well as his videographic work at the Lázaro Galdiano Museum in Madrid on the occasion of the VIVA Collections on Tour 2013 exhibition.