

Nothings66, Japan

Akihito Saitoh, known as Ametsub, is a young musician from Tokyo who has managed to astound the very Ryuichi Sakamoto, who called their last album, “The Nothings of the North” as the best album of 2009.
The press has said of him that he is capable of transforming the urban blues sound, the chill of daily life in Tokyo in a seamless progression of electronic nostalgia. Instrumental hip hop, clicks n ‘cuts, contemporary music, everything is absorbed and processed by Ametsub, spinning some songs that reflect that Akihito, pianist career, has what they call the “duende” in flamenco, the flow, the magic.
Ametsub has worked on remixes and compilations with and alongside the likes of Fennesz, Vladislav Delay, Tujiko Noriko, Aoki Takamasa, Yagya…