He was born in Oviedo in 1978. Lives and works in Asturias
Alejandro Mos Riera is a Spanish poet and painter born in 1978 in Oviedo, where he studied art history at the Universidad de Oviedo. He has written the impossible books of light ink “”Un trozo de vida” ,”En la mitad de la noche” ,”Tertulia de arañas” ,”Viaje al Corazón del final de la autopista”, “Enigma escrito en el viento”, “La Luna” y “El Sueño Eterno” online published.
Madrid, Barcelona, London, Paris, Amsterdam, New York or Tokyo, are some of the places that have hosted his exhibitions.
He directed recently his first film in cinema “Museo de Ojos en Silencio” and publishes daily online newspaper ART & LIFE FOR THE MODERN TIMES.