Curator of the exhibition ‘Auto. Sueño y materia’
Art critic and curator, is also the founder and acting programming coordinator of the Centro de Fotografía at the University of Salamanca.
He is a regular contributor to Babelia (the weekly cultural supplement of the daily newspaper El País) and Camera Austria. His latest curatorial projects include Blanca Li, Te voy a enseñar a bailar; Constelación, Carmela García; Imágenes latentes;
Trasfábula (Miki Leal, MP & MP Rosado, Abraham Lacalle); and Estancia del tiempo.
Bleda y Rosa. Martín is a former Director of the Cultural Activities Office at the University of Salamanca and Programming Coordinator for Salamanca 2002.
European Cultural Capital and Director of the Centro de Arte de Salamanca. He writes on contemporary art, with a particular focus on photography, and has penned essays for several monographs on artists.