Born in O Carballiño (Orense), 1965
Writer and filmmaker. He has published A voz do Trevón. Unha aproximación a Finnegans Wake, an essay on James Joyce’s last novel, a book he has also translated into Galician, and some books on experimental films, a field where he has shined as a writer and a film maker. He has been the programmer and curator of exhibits on experimental films and has shot a few films. He won the Foco Galicia prize to the best Galician documentary in 2006, and the II Premio de Cine-Ensaio Romà Gubern from the Universidad de Barcelona. Pó de estrelas has been considered by Cahiers du Cinéma España one of the best Spanish short films in 2007. Tanyaradzwa won the prize to the best Galician documentary at the Play-Doc Festival in 2010 and was short listed for the IV Premi de Cinema Assaig de la UAB.