Arduino introductory workshop

23th to 26th may 2017

Arduino is a free hardware platform, based on a board with a microcontroller and a development environment, designed to facilitate the use of electronics in interactive and multidisciplinary projects. Arduino allows us an interaction between the computer and the outside world through sensors of all types or motors, allowing us to do robotics, home automation or digitally manage lights or whatever we want with sensors. Arduino can be used to develop stand-alone interactive objects or can be connected to any computer software that communicates with the serial port. For example: Macromedia Flash, Processing, Max/MSP or Pure Data).

In this workshop we will learn to program Arduino to be able to interact with sensors, motors, LEDs, home automation, robotics and communicate through MIDI or the serial port with the computer to interact with other programs such as Puredata, Max/MSP or Processing. And in this way to be able to interact with sensors and audiovisual media (sound, image, video, interactive cameras and 3D environments).

Imparted by: Andrés Duarte, Sound Laboratory

Addressed to:artists, musicians, designers, sound technicians, composers, DJs, creators, programmers and the general public interested in entering the world of programming for interactive audiovisual media and real-time data processing.

No prior knowledge is necessary.


Duration:12 hours.

Date:From May 23 to 26, 2017. From 4 to 7 p.m.

Registration fee:70 euros / 50 euros (with the Platform 0 annual membership card)

Students and unemployed people: 50% discount

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Activity subsidized by the Department of Education and Culture of the Government of the Principality of Asturias

Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte