Ángel de la Rubia

Photographic artist

(Vigo, 1981)

Though born in Galicia, when he was still a baby his family moved to Asturias where the mother’s part of the family came from. He started studying Biology which he dropped out off to begin training as a photographer at the School of Art in Oviedo. There, he presented the work La Fosa de Valdediós for his degree project. In 2004, he obtained a MUSAC scholarship for a 3-month journey throughout Bosnia-Herzegovina.

On his return, he moved to Madrid to take on other trips and tasks Since then, he has won, among other distinctions, the 3rd Purificación García Award (2008), has exhibited with Iván Grubanov at Laboratorio 987 for the MUSAC, and recently returned to the Balkans to work in Kosovo, thanks to a grant from the Caixa Galicia social responsibility programme.
