Ana Izarzugaza Junquera & Sara Muñiz

21 September 2020 – 24 January 2021

Trained in Sociology and Documentary Film. She received a scholarship from the National Autonomous University of Mexico in 2010. She directed the award-winning documentary theater work “Examen de Memoria Historia” and performed in Barcelona between 2015/2016. She consecutively wins the New Asturian Directors Award 2018 and best Asturian short film FICX 2019 with the work “Gniele Baila”. She collaborates in the organization of the Social Cinema and Human Rights Exhibition of Asturias, MUSOC.

His project “SIN VOICE” was selected at the FICX Pro 2020 where it won the OPEN ECAM PRIZE award, the jury highlighted “For portraying the contrast between the avant-garde and tradition, daring to address the culture of the margins, and making non-hegemonic forms of communication visible.”

Sara Muñiz is a composer and musicologist.

Although his initial training comes from classical music, he has a long career as a violist and pianist within the field of urban popular music and its integration with the arts. Since she was a teenager she has collaborated on a multitude of musical projects, some of them with great scope, such as Manta Ray, Nacho Vegas, Fleshtones, Fee Reega or Pablo und Destruktion. A few years ago she created, together with José A. Rilla, the Framily record label and the experimental electronic music project Cicada. In parallel, she has worked on several artistic projects and taught courses and workshops related to music and art; collaborating with institutions such as the Museum of Fine Arts of Asturias or Laboral Center for Art and Industrial Creation.

He is currently dedicated to composing music for theater and visual works.

This year it has been nominated at the Oh theater awards for best soundtrack for theatre.

Project in residence

Examen de Memoria Histórica

Historical Memory Exam is a piece of multidisciplinary experimental documentary theater. Sustained in a plastic triangle between the theater of objects, audiovisual projections and the use of words, as an example of living narration thanks to oral transmission and for the first time at LABoral Art Center with original music.

MEMORY according to the historian Pierre Nora, is life. Always in the hands of living groups. Therefore in permanent evolution. Open to the dialectic of memory and amnesia. Unaware of his successive deformations. Vulnerable to all uses and deformations. Susceptible to experiencing long latencies and sudden revitalizations. History is the always problematic and incomplete construction of what is no longer. Memory is an always current phenomenon, a place lived in the eternal present. History a representation of the past. BECAUSE IT IS AFFECTIVE AND MAGICAL, memory only accommodates details that comfort it.

It is these personal and subjective affects that weave a network of memories transmitted in family after-dinner meals that underpin the identity of the author, converting memory, identity and present into an always malleable affective construction that is flexible and if the teachers say so, also magical.

As it passes through Laboral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, Examen de Memoria Historia, becomes a piece with original musical creation composed by Sara Muñiz.

Chronology of the Work

June 2015 Premiere Civic Center Guinardó Certamen Strena´t, Barcelona.March 2016 Artistic residency and representation Nau Ivanow Barcelona.July 2020 Artistic residency and programming at Konvent Cero, Barcelona.
