
A K Dolven

24 May 2008


HD video, two channel audio.18’ 48”. Camera: Jakob Ingimundarsson. Sound: Chris White. SD video, silent. 3’. Camera: A K Dolven Edit: Thora Dolven Balke. Work commissioned by: LABoral & Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum, Tromsø. Supported by: The Royal Norwegian Embassy in London, Real Embajada de Noruega in Madrid & Hurtigruten ASA

Against the face of a snow-covered mountain, the viewer sees the small shapes of a group of dark-clothed figures moving slowly, and with great difficulty, up the slope. Forming a kind of human conveyor belt to carry one of their number backwards up the mountain, the figures look like a band of medieval penitents on a strange, redemptive journey through the wilderness. The existential/religious connotations of the work are reinforced by its luminous painterly texture, and by its scale. The installation is shown alongside an accompanying video with small details from the shoot.