Advice well taken: Folk tales of digital salvation 

Dasha Ilina (in collaboration with Supisara Burapachaisri)

6 February 2024

Printed material & Book, Audiovisual Installation, sculpture. 

In this project (2024), comprising a publication and a video, Ilina documents what she calls techlore – ‘folk knowledge’ on the complex and opaque functionalities of the modern technologies that surround us. The artist touches on issues affecting our data and privacy, the shortcuts we use to fix our devices and the explanations we find for technological mysteries. 

For this project, Ilina collected folk tales of digital salvation: everyday stories of anthropomorphisation, hacking and corner-cutting. From tips on how to repair a cracked screen using a bit of toothpaste to the idea that our phones can read our minds, the stories range from the purely practical to the deeply mythological. They show how ordinary people are doing what they can to assert control over technology. 

Artwork included in the exhibition Millennials, the media art of Generation Y.