The Ateneu Nel Amaro (Asturias), the Acción!MAD Association (Madrid) and the Conciyu L.lena through OJ Juvelena organize the XII Alcuentru con Nel Amaro that will host ten artists from Catalonia, Valencia, Andalusia, Madrid this year and Asturias.
This project aims to disseminate, exchange experiences and develop performance and action art as a means of expanding our personal limits and communicating with the society in which we live. The basis of the project is the week-long residency in the small Asturian town of Columbiel.lo, located near Pola de Lena. During the residency, a group of artists from different geographical and vital backgrounds coexist with the idea of sharing the process of creation and collective work.
The participants in the Residency are also managers, organizers or theorists of performance so that these days they can also share experiences regarding the dissemination and theory of performance. In this edition the work that we will carry out in the Residency will revolve around to the DaDa Movement, whose founding in Zurich marked the first centenary in February. In this sense we will work from the premise that the origin of the movement comes from a group of war refugees who ended up arriving in neutral Switzerland, probably with a suitcase for all luggage. Of precariousness as a starting point, of flight as an element of reunion; What is the validity of the DaDa legacy in our time and in ourselves.
The XII Alcuentru con Nel Amaro is organized by the Ateneu Nel Amaro, the Acción!MAD Association and the Conciyu L.lena through OJ Juvelena; and has the support of LABoral Center for Art and Industrial Creation. Participating: Joan Casellas (Catalonia), Abel Loureda (Asturias), Yolanda Pérez Herreras (Madrid), Nieves Correa (Madrid), Ruben Barroso (Seville), Lucía Peiró (Valencia), Cris Puertas (Asturias), Jose Busto (Asturias) , Monica Cofiño (Asturias), Pepe Murciego (Madrid), Carmen Alvarez (Asturias), Delfo Valdés (Asturias), Rogelio Crespo (Asturias), Experimenta (Madrid), La Muga Caula (Girona), Containers (Seville), Simberifora ( Valencia), Atenéu Nel Amaro (Asturias), La Xiata-La Rifa (Asturias), Raspa–Red Asturiana de Performance y Acción (Asturias), La Mas Bella (Madrid).
The XII Alcuentru with Nel Amaro is part of RASPA Red Asturiana de Performance y Acción, an initiative through which LABoral wishes to involve and lead the community of performance artists and managers in Asturias and, in this way, collaborate in the development and promotion of the theory and practice of performance.