The AINDACE Foundation, to Help Brain Damage Research, has among its social purposes the promotion, sensitization, awareness and search for funds to allocate to research into brain diseases (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS, tumors, trauma, cerebral palsy, anoxia, stroke, etc…) and support, help, education, guidance and information to families, entities and patients with disabilities due to brain injuries and diseases, as well as help in their possible rehabilitation and reintegration into social life. On the occasion of its 5th anniversary, the most recent achievements and research related to AINDACE’s tasks will be presented.
Juan Alvarez, AINDACE Foundation, Andrea Menéndez Manjón, member of the Institute of Neurosciences of the Principality of Asturias (INEUROPA), Graduate in Biology and Master in Neurosciences, Helena Herrada Manchón, Idonial, Technological Center, Silvia Rodríguez Jiménez, Idonial, Technological Center, Luis Santos Rodríguez , professor of the Department of Physical and Sports Education at the University of León, Juan Carlos Bermejo Millo, predoctoral fellow at the Carlos III Health Institute, Alba Gutiérrez-Menéndez, doctoral student in the Health Sciences program at the University of Oviedo and member of INEUROPA
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