
Tradition and design. A contemporary perspective

9 November 2023

Round Table on the role of tradition as a source of inspiration in contemporary design.

Organised by the Designers’ Association of Asturias (AGA), it aims to reflect on the role of tradition as a source of inspiration for today’s designers.


Constantino Menéndez and Yolanda González from the brand “made by kÖs”, designers of clothes inspired by tradition; they work for artists such as Rozalén or Rodrigo Cuevas.

Diego Rozada, president of AGA Asturias, will talk about the “Sidrafías” initiative, a project by a dozen Asturian design studios, which reinterprets the world of cider.

Granada Barrero, Andalusian strategic designer.

The round table will be set against a backdrop of some of the “made by kÖs” costumes and pieces from the “Sidrafías” exhibition.

VENUE: Plat0 (LABoral Centro de Arte)

Activity promoted and financed by the Regional Ministry of Culture, Language Policy and Tourism.
