The Internet almost anything?

Until 20 February 2021

We spend our lives interacting with connected objects and interfaces whose underlying technology we hardly understand, not only because of their complexity, but also because they are meant to be closed by design.

In this workshop we will explore its operation in a practical way with the aim of appropriating the so-called “Internet of Things” as part of our artistic practice, both as a tool for technological exploration and criticism, and to respond to practical needs of any artistic installation.

For development we will use open tools such as Arduino, Raspberry Pi and Node Red.

Guillem Camprodonis a designer with extensive experience working on emerging technologies. Since 2010 he has been a researcher at the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), and is currently Research Director at Fab Lab Barcelona. For the past eight years he has led the development of Smart Citizen, an open platform for citizen participation through the measurement of environmental data. He has also worked on multiple European research projects leading the development of open technologies, such as iSCAPE, ROMI, Making Sense, Organicity, DECODE, Reflow and GROW Observatory.

Addressed to:professionals and students in the arts and design sector who are interested in incorporating elements of technology and connectivity in their projects and/or reflecting on the current uses of the Internet.

Guillem Camprodon will connect online.

Each participant must bring their computer. For some examples the smartphone will also be used.

Number of in-person places:10.

In-person place price: €25 (includes material)

Number of online places: 5

Online place price:€17. Each participant must have the following material:

– Node MCU board (ESP8266) – Micro USB cable (like the one used to charge an “old” Android, not USB C) – Breadboard – Some LEDs and buttons – MM cables – 1 LDR

Schedule:Thursday, February 18 and Friday, February 19, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Saturday, February 20, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Saturday from 11:00 to 12:00There will be a colloquium that will be broadcast in streaming (Youtube, Facebook and Twitch). Guillem Camprodon and Víctor Barberán will participate.

Víctor Barberán andis an Industrial Designer with more than 20 years of experience in developing custom technology for multidisciplinary art and science projects. Throughout his career he has worked in electronics design, software development, data analysis, modeling and animation, and also in digital post-production. He currently works as part of the Fab Lab Barcelona team doing research and development within the Smart Citizen project and is a professor of the Bachelor of Smart Design at the ESDI School of Design.

Inscription(it is necessary to indicate the name of the workshop):[+]The place will be reserved at the time the payment is made.
