Sustainable development: Self-run maker spaces

Analysis and exchange of best practices for creating communities related with technology and the management of community creation and production spaces.

Until 15 November 2015

The first session consists of an exchange of work experiences, solutions and experiences in relation with the setting up of communities, spaces transfer of knowledge and dissemination of new forms of creation and production.

The second session includes a hands-on workshop on digital and free tools available on-line that facilitate asynchronous work and coordination.

Addressed to: All those interested in collaborative culture, networking and community work: Those involved in community projects, artist workshops, Fablabsmakespaceshackerspaces and those that want to set up a space or community focusing on creative technologies and new forms of production.
Dates: Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 of November
Time: From 9.30 a.m. to 12.30p.m.
Venue: Plató, LABoral
Participants: 15
Registration: Free-of-charge, registration required
Conducted by: Sara Alvarellos and César García Sáez, Makespace Madrid, a space devoted to digital fabrication offering the latest tools for creating prototypes and developing products and creative and technological projects.
