IV edition. SummerLAB is a meeting place for creators, hackers and artists from all over Spain who principally work in free libre software (FLOSS) contexts.
SummerLAB is a participative event, an opportunity to work together, sharing ideas, codes and much more. Its organisation mirrors the way in which free software is developed –there is no hierarchy, simply production in a context where free will and mutual help flow in the service of creation–.
The programme consists of workshops, presentations, performances and other activities, proposals and organised by the actual participants (construction of electronic musical instruments, urban planning research, cyborg, performances, workshops on Streaming techniques, libre free software development, free software tools, such as
Blender, OpenFrameworks, Arduino or Pure Data).
Every day, at night, the participants show their evolutions and at the end of the meeting a public presentation of the works produced during the week takes place.
SummerLAB_Showcase collects the documentation from this intensive event, distributed into ten nodes, so as to discover the fascinating world of free creation.
Free registration: p0@laboralcentrodearte.org