The documentary ‘Asturias Refugio Climático’, directed by Pablo de Soto and Nadia Penella, continues to cross borders to give visibility to the cultural and environmental richness of Asturias. On Friday, 15 November at 19:30 Spanish time (13:30 EST), it will be screened at the SAnTINA Conference III, an American online conference dedicated to the analysis of cultural and linguistic issues related to Asturias and its studies (Asturian Studies).
The documentary will be presented by Alfredo Martínez Expósito (University of Melbourne, Australia) with the intervention of Pablo de Soto, director of LABoral Centro de Arte.
The documentary, which was part of the exhibition Motores del Clima at LABoral Centro de Arte, discusses how the idea of Asturias as a climatic refuge has emerged in the public debate as a new tourism paradigm that expands the ‘natural paradise’ paradigm. It also addresses how a region, compared to others, experiences more favourable and less extreme climatic conditions in the context of global climate change. Now, by being included in the programme of an international event, it reinforces its message and puts the importance of Asturias as a symbol of sustainability and natural heritage on the global map.
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A conference organized by Asturian Studies, the University of Florida and the University of Central Florida, in collaboration with Centro Asturiano de Tampa and LABoral Centro de Arte.