

4th february – 8th march 2009

Showcasing Performance in Alternative Creative Environments

S.P.A.C.E. UK. Showcasing Performance in Alternative Creative Environments

S.P.A.C.E. UK is a showcase programmed to explore the possibilities of performance spaces. The idea behind the showcase is to create links and promote networks amongst artists from different disciplines and countries During two days, artists of the calibre of Kira O’Reilly, Rajni Shah, Peter Reder and Marc Rees, amongst others, will present several projects of live art, action art, intervention and manoeuvres in Gijon.

Admission: free
Co-produced by Teatro de la Laboral


Saturday 7th March 2009
Good Cop Bad Cop. Mas o Amser, UK
Time: 4 pm
VENUE: Lobby at LABoral Art & Industrial Creation Centre
Two men, seventy black boxes and a series of constantly changing structures. Constructions that are raised only to be immediately taken down again to give way to new ones… And the relationships of these structures with the artists, and the artists’ relationship with the space in which the performance takes place. A game without any clear rules for two (or more) people? A kind of choreography? Or a tough sculptural exercise? Probably a combination of all this and more.

Saturday 7th March 2009
Rajni Shah. Dinner with America, UK
Time: 5 pm
Venue: Platform 2 at LABoral Art & Industrial Creation Centre
The second part of a trilogy of performative installations addressing the complexities of cultural identity in the 21st century. Where the first piece in the trilogy, Mr Quiver, explored and problematised Indian and English stereotypes, this piece pushes our thinking about what America means to us. Created while George W. Bush was president, the performance offers a new nuanced yet provocative perception of a decisive moment in the country’s history.