A multimedia festival dedicated to audiovisuals and new emerging practices
Phantasmagoria in two, starts from the idea of a summer cinema to develop an alternative programming of audiovisual pieces, whose common denominator is the investigation into the idea of the ghostly and, at the same time, into the relationship between image and sound that founded the vision modern.
The programming covers three days of viewing and interactivity with various pieces, performances, interventions and audiovisual motifs, together with listening to sound accompaniment directly related to them.
Unlike other formats, Phantasmagoria in two proposes the projection of audiovisual works within the framework of an expanded context, with live audio and video, meeting areas, actions and simultaneous projections, in order to present contemporary culture as something accessible and multiple. Its main objective is to strengthen the relationship of contemporary artistic practice (specifically audiovisual from its facet closest to cinema and music) with public space, giving visibility to this medium and giving access to all audiences free of charge.
“The spectrum or ghost is the main modality through which something lost or misplaced from the present, without a body, absent, is made known to us.” In this sense, this audiovisual cycle recovers that desire to see and think beyond grief, or better, beyond the limits of what is real, from the unthinkable itself. The ultimate objective that moves it, then, is to relive and traverse the disparate times from which this set of works, interventions and sound pieces emerge, where each moment reactivates an intense presence of the past in the present.
Phantasmagoria in two will take place in three spaces in the city of Gijón: LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, the courtyard shared between the Espacio Líquido art gallery and Mediaphoto and, finally, the Asturias Railway Museum. In addition, the three events will culminate in parties at the Monkey Club, with a special DJ program.
Curated by:Alfredo Aracil and Abraham Rivera
Coordination:Alfredo Aracil
This initiative has the financial support of the Municipal Foundation of Culture, Education and Popular University of the Gijón City Council, in the call for artistic productions 2011
And the collaboration of Two Monkeys, Espacio Líquido, MediaPhoto and El Hervidero