
Open Doors of fabLAB Asturias

Every Friday in the month of July

Until 28 July 2017

fabLAB Asturias recovers customer service and open days every Friday in July from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 4 to 7 p.m. with the aim that the public can learn about the operation and possibilities of the machines, and see firsthand the creation and production process of the users and artists who use the space to bring their projects to life.

Likewise, users who want to carry out any work that requires the use of commercial machines can request an appointment via email.fablab@laboralcentrodearte.org

The fabLAB by LABoral is a research, training and production space that has the most advanced digital manufacturing machinery for the creation of objects through digital processes.

Access during open days is free of charge.