
Open doors and free access

1st july – 10th september 2012

Until next September 10, LABoral continues to celebrate its Open Days that include free access with a visit to the exhibitions and activities scheduled this summer.

The Center for Art and Industrial Creation of Gijón has been commemorating its fifth anniversary since March 30 and invites its public to join the celebration as a sign of gratitude for the support it has given it over these five years.

Visitors will have the opportunity to visit, among others, the large immersive installation by Japanese artist and musician Ryoji Ikeda. datamatics. data.tecture [5 SXGA+ version]. The piece can be seen in the Project Gallery until September 17 and offers the visitor a totally immersive and sensory experience.

A few days before, on September 10, n-Polytope, a contemporary reimagination of the radical architectural environments of the Greek composer and architect Iannis Xenakis, carried out by the American artist Chris Salter, will close after a three-week stay at LABoral in a residence production. This work will travel to other international venues after being produced and premiered at the world premiere on July 20 in Gijón.