What can science contribute to art and what does art contribute to science? How can they collaborate, when their working languages, methods and objectives often correspond to different criteria? What are the challenges and difficulties of this collaboration? How does work in one area affect work in the other? What is the benefit of these collaborations? And what is the future of these kinds of transversal connections for art, culture, and the university?
These are some of the questions that will be addressed in this day of dialogues entitled LABoral Art Science Talks, based on the study of specific cases related to the exhibition of art, neuroscience, and artificial intelligence, When the butterflies of the soul flutter their wings. This is an international exhibition of projects featuring biological and artificial neural networks, organized by LABoral Centro de Arte in close collaboration with the Institute of Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence Center of the University of Oviedo.
The first three talks of the morning session are based on the study of different cases of art-science collaboration, linked to the works cellF by Guy Ben Ary http://guybenary.com/work/cellf/, Membrane by Ursula Damm http://ursuladamm.de/membrane-2019/and Kissing Data Symphony by Lancel/Maat https://www.lancelmaat.nl/work/kissing-data/.
The afternoon session will share the results of the interdisciplinary workshop on data management and artificial intelligence, Predictive Data Selfie Workshop http://www.lalalab.org/events/predictive-data-selfie-workshop-taller-selfie-predictivo-con-datos/, given simultaneously by artists Clara Boj and Diego Diaz, in collaboration with engineers Beatriz Remeseiro and Pablo Pérez from the Artificial Intelligence Center of the University of Oviedo. At the presentation of the final results of the workshop, which was held during the current school year 2020/2021 at five secondary schools, collaborating artists and scientists will also be accompanied by some of the teachers and students who participated in this pilot experience.
Morning programme
Note: The morning programme will be entirely in English
10 to 11 am
Speakers: Guy Ben Ary (AU) and Dr. Stuart Hodgetts (AU)
Moderator: Luz Mar González-Arias (ES)
The first conversation between artist Guy Ben Ary and physicist Dr. Stuart Hodgetts will explore the background of the research and production of the cellF project http://guybenary.com/work/cellf/, the world’s first cellular synthesizer. They are both associated with SymbioticA Lab, the first arts laboratory dedicated to critical and practical research and learning in the life sciences at the University of Western Australia in Perth.
Guy Ben-Ary, is a Perth based artist and researcher. Recognized internationally with numerous prizes, his works have been presented in exhibitions all around the world. He is considered a major artist and innovator working across science and media arts, Guy specializes in biotechnological artwork, which aims to enrich our understanding of what it means to be alive. http://guybenary.com/
Stuart Hodgetts works as Associate Professor and has extensive knowledge and expertise in cell and stem cell-based transplantation therapies. Since 2003, he has focused his expertise toward spinal cord repair using clinical grade adult human mesenchymal stem cells, as well as in combination with gene therapy (to induce plasticity), in vivo reprogramming, tissue engineering (scaffolds and self-assembling peptides), neuroprotection, immunomodulation of the host immune response, and non-invasive therapies such as red/near infra-red light and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation. https://research-repository.uwa.edu.au/en/persons/stuart-hodgetts
11:15 am to 12:15 pm
Speakers: Ursula Damm (DE) and Georg Trogemann (DE)
Moderator: Luz Mar González-Arias (ES)
The second conversation is linked to the artificial intelligence work Membrane ,http://ursuladamm.de/membrane-2019/, made by artist Ursula Damm. She will discuss the challenges of art and science collaboration, linked to artificial intelligence, with mathematician and engineer Georg Trogemann, professor of experimental computer science at the Academy of Media Art in Cologne.
Ursula Damm (*1960) studied at the ArtAcademy in Düsseldorf, followed by postgraduate studies at the Academy of Media arts in Cologne. Since 2008 she holds the chair for Media Environments at the Bauhaus University in Weimar, where she established a DIY Biolab and the Performance Platform at the Digital Bauhaus Lab. Ursula Damm has exhibited worldwide numerous installations on the relationship of nature, science and civilization. http://www.ursuladamm.de
Georg Trogemann has been a professor of experimental informatics at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne since 1994. He studied computer science and mathematics at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, where he received his doctorate in 1990. From 1997 to 1999, and then later, 2004 to 2006 he was the prorector for research and infrastructure at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne. His research topics include experimental algorithms, philosophy of technology, and the theory of artifacts. http://www.georgtrogemann.de
12:30 to 1:30 pm
Speakers:Karen Lancel and Hermen Maat (NL) and Prof. Frances Brazier (NL)
Moderator: Luz Mar González-Arias (ES)
The third conversation is linked to Lancel/Maat’s The Kissing Data Symphony https://www.lancelmaat.nl/work/kissing-data/, a work that brings together art, neuroscience, psychology, and sociology. Artists Lancel and Maat will reflect on the challenges of interdisciplinary collaboration with scientist Frances Brazier, full professor in Engineering Systems Foundations at the Delft University of Technology.
Artists and researchers, Karen Lancel and Hermen Maat, based in Amsterdam, are considered pioneers exploring the tension between embodied presence, intimacy and alienation, social cohesion and isolation, privacy and trust in posthuman bio(techno)logical entanglement with (non-)human others. They radically deconstruct and re-orchestrate automated biometric control technologies neuro-feedback and sensory perception, to create poetic Trust-Systems. www.lancelmaat.nl
Frances Brazier is a full professor in Engineering Systems Foundations at the Delft University of Technology, as of September 2009, before which she chaired the Intelligent Interactive Distributed Systems Group for 10 years within the Department of Computer Science at the VU University Amsterdam. She holds a MSc in Mathematics and a doctorate in Cognitive Ergonomics from the VU Amsterdam. Parallel to her academic career she co-founded the first ISP in the Netherlands: NLnet and later NLnet Labs. She is currently a board member of the NLnetLabs Foundation.
Morning programme moderator, is Dr. Luz Mar González-Arias, Professor of English Philology and head of the HEAL Research Group: Health, Environment, Arts and Literature at the University of Oviedo. A specialist in Medical and Environmental Humanities, she applies these theorizations to the poetry, narrative and visual arts of contemporary Ireland. She has so far published two monographs, as well as numerous articles in volumes and research journals on the representation of diseased and/or non-normative bodies.
Evening programme
Note: The evening programme will be in Spanish with English simultaneous translation
6 to 7 pm
Speakers: Clara Boj (ES), Diego Díaz (ES) and Pablo Pérez (ES)
Moderator: Karin Ohlenschläger (DE/ES)
The results of the interdisciplinary face-to-face/virtual Predictive Data Selfie Workshop http://www.lalalab.org/events/predictive-data-selfie-workshop-taller-selfie-predictivo-con-datos/ on the scientific and artistic use of data and the predictive values of artificial intelligence will be presented to the educational community during this talk. The experiences and knowledge produced will be shared with the educational community, including the testimonies of some of the teachers and students participating in the workshop along the school year 2020/2021.
Clara Boj and Diego Díaz have been working together since 2000. Their projects involve the notion of public space transformed by new digital technologies, the hybrid city. In many of their projects they explore non-linear narrative using geo-location devices and other locative media resources to create narratives that combine layers of physical and digital information. Most recently, they have been working with machine learning techniques to analyze how computers can understand and predict our future.
Pablo Pérez is a Computer Science Engineer (2016) with a Master’s degree in Computer Engineering (2018) from the University of Oviedo. He is currently a researcher in the Machine Learning Group at the Artificial Intelligence Center of the University of Oviedo, where he is doing his PhD thesis within the PhD Program in Computer Science in the Intelligent Systems research line. He participates as a teaching assistant in the subjects of Introduction to Programming, Fundamentals of Computer Science and Intelligent Systems of the Computer Engineering Degree.
Evening programme moderator, is Karin Ohlenschläger, Artistic director of LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, as well as Art Historian and curator who has focused in interdisciplinary artistic practices, since 1985. She has chaired the Banquete Foundation of Art, Science, Technology and Society (1998-2006) and the Instituto de Arte Contemporáneo in Madrid (2011-2012). She co-founded and co-directed MediaLab Madrid (2002/2006) and she has also headed other international initiatives related to art and digital culture.
Free registration: educacion@laboralcentrodearte.org