
LABconciertos: Crumbling Palace

28 November 2020

The performances are free of charge and will be streamed on LABoral’s social networks.

A trio dedicated exclusively to spontaneous creation through free improvisation. Crumbling Palace is a meeting of multiple musical minds in search of the solution to paradoxes such as individual unison, three-handed clapping or extreme moderation. Contrary to other formations with the word “free” in their name, Crumbling Palace are not averse to silence, minimalism or consonance. In any case, the importance of absolute chaos is never lost, and the wide range of expressive possibilities, from enthalpy to entropy, receives equal attention in every concert of this eclectic and uncategorisable group.

Crumbling Palace are:

John Falcone: Bassoon

Larry Derdeyn: piano, percussion

Zach Glickmann: Tuba

Cycle curated by:

Pedro Menchaca (Vericuetos)
