The winning artists of one of the musical residencies of the 2018 Call for Artistic Residencies present the results of their work after their stay in the Art Center laboratories.
The day will take place in various LABoral spaces where different projects in the form of performance, concert and visuals can be seen.
7:30 p.m. – Fernando Oyágüez – Project room
Ten years ago, a piano was reduced to splinters. His last death rattles were captured and gave shape to the sound work Chopping piano in C that was exhibited in this same Center. Now, a constellation of automatons will pay tribute to him, evoking moments in which he still enjoyed all his fullness. This performance is the new chapter of Save the music, get rid of the musicians, a platform of automatons activated with code generated in real time that create music and movement in a human free space.
8:00 p.m. – Cicada – Sound LABORATORY
Building bridges between different media, disciplines, techniques and technologies, the careful conception of its sound is at the service of an exploration without maps, through elements that structure our most hermetic past with our most cryptic present. Hypnotic drones, sinuous viola loops and dense polyrhythms invite the transition between different states of consciousness, in an intense itinerary that takes us from introspection and abstraction to the atavistic ecstasy of dance. Cicada are Sara Muñiz, violist, and Jose A. Rilla, programmer.
8:40 p.m. – Polyhedra + Adrián Cuervo – Project room
Polyhedra – Alejandro Torre and David Calvo – together with Adrián Cuervo will perform an audiovisual live show. A journey through soundscapes directly related to the environment that inspires them. They experiment with new design structures, with synthesizers, drum machines and field recordings, so that soundscapes come to life in rhythmic and atmospheric compositions. A sound with its own identity, and clear influences on contemporary electronic music.
9:20 p.m. – Buitrago – Plat0
Premiere and staging of “Buitrago”, one of the solo projects of Ernesto Avelino, member of the Asturian industrial band Fasenuova. In this work he uses electronic instruments such as samplers, synthesizers and drum machines in a creation that avoids any musical exercise based on previous references, or framed in the continuation or recreation of a style. Although the timbres of some of the instruments are identifiable to the ear, as sounds from the extensive landscape of electronic music, the structures aim to distance themselves from any experience.
Free entrance, until capacity is completed