
Introduction to polygonal subdivision with Solid Works

September 23th, 2023

MasterClass taught as part of the Product Design Conference linked to the exhibition From Spain with Design

This presentation will make it easier for you to use advanced SolidWorks modeling tools. It will consist of a single pioneering session in Spain, aimed at designers, engineers and artists with an interest in advanced modeling. It will be taught by a team of specialist trainers from CIMWorks* (official distributor of Dassault Systèms products, main distributor of the software in Spain and Europe).

SolidWorks 3D Sculptor tools are cloud-based design solutions that allow designers, artists or engineers to create, review and evaluate complex shapes that would otherwise be very difficult or impossible to render. With a simple interface based on push and pull manipulators, the creative has more freedom when it comes to professionally sculpting a piece in a parametric environment.”

*CIMWORKS is an ADPRO Partner that will be represented by a member at the workshop.

Number of places: 20 (free trial license for students)

Free activity

Addressed to:designers, engineers and artists with an interest in advanced modeling.

Requirements:Participants must have their own PC and go to LABoral Centro de Arte half an hour before the start of the workshop. The PC you use must have an RJ-45 input to connect to a wired network or, failing that, an adapter to it.

Minimum Computer Requirements:Mac OSx or Windows (Works on a web browser, no installation required), 16GB RAM, Google Chrome.

Inscription:in this link

The product design day will have two other activities that will take place throughout the day:

Round table: “Product design in Asturias: present, past and future”

Informal Post-Round Table Meeting:where an evaluation will be carried out among the exercises of the attendees that will be rewarded with an Amazon voucher.

Conference organized byADPRO(Association of Product Designers).

PLACE:Plat0 / Chillout (LABoral Art Center)

Activity promoted and financed by the Ministry of Culture, Language Policy and Tourism
