The Plat0 of LABoral will host a new edition of the Technological Breakfasts, organized by the Gijón City Council, through the Municipal Business Center and the Gijón Scientific and Technological Park (PCTG), in collaboration with the University Institute of Industrial Technology of Asturias (IUTA)
9:00 a.m.Presentation ceremony of the technological breakfast. Mrs. Lucía García Rodríguez, Managing Director of LABoral Center for Art and Industrial Creation, Mr. Bernardo Veira de la Fuente, Director of the Municipal Business Center of Gijón and Ms. Sandra Velarde Suárez, Director of the IUTA.
9:10 a.m.Presentation of the projects:
“THE FITTING ROOMS OF THE FUTURE: Interactive clothing fitting rooms”. Developed in collaboration with the entities Trisón Acústica, SL, Altabox, SL and Prodintec.D. Ignacio Escudero (Altabox) and Mr. José Villanueva (Prodintec).
“BODYGRAMMER: Three-dimensional measurement of the human body”.D. Rubén Muñiz (IUTA Researcher).
“TheDrone: City-related data mapping tool”.D. David Dalmazzo and D. David Pello (LABoral Center for Art and Industrial Creation).
10:10 a.m.Talk-Colloquium.
10:30 a.m.Visit to the fabLAB.
11:00 a.m.End of the technological breakfast.
Place: Plat0 of LABoral Center for Art and Industrial Creation
Addressed to: Asturian businessmen, entrepreneurs, researchers, teachers and professionals interested in the methodology and content of the projects. entrepreneurs, researchers, teachers and professionals, who may be interested in both the methodology and the content of the projects developed.
Inscription: , or by phone 984 847 100 (extension 7110)