Guided tour of the exhibition Remote Extinction Detected with curator Maria Ptqk

23 July 2022

Curator, cultural critic and researcher, María Ptqk will guide us through this exhibition that shows artistic projects from different angles and deals with worlds that have disappeared or are on the verge of extinction.

The journey begins with a work inspired by pre-Columbian calculation systems that fell into oblivion with colonisation, and ends at ground zero of environmental ruin, the forests of the Amazon, whose traces will one day speak of the civilisation that saw them perish. Between these works, which allude to extinctions – one sunk in the past, the other probably in the future – others unfold: real or imagined, technical and ecological, human or not. What they all have in common is that, like the ruins, they condense many times and meanings at once. Each extinction is an encrypted message that a disappearing world leaves for the next.

Artists: Ursula Biemann, Magali Daniaux y Cédric Pigot, Bárbara Fluxá, Raquel Meyers, Constanza Piña, Diana Toucedo

Free activity.

Number of participants: 25

Prior registration is required at or by calling 985 185 577.

Activity promoted and financed by the Consejería de Cultura, Política Llingüística y Turismo.

This project is part of the programme of activities of STUDIOTOPIA – Art meets Science in the Anthropocene, an initiative that aims to increase collaborations between cultural and research institutions, academia, innovation centres, creatives and citizens. The network, funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, is made up of eight European cultural institutions: Centre for Fine Arts (BOZAR) and GLUON in Brussels, Ars Electronica in Linz, Cluj Cultural Centre in Cluj, Laznia Contemporary Art Centre in Gdansk, Onassis Stegi in Athens, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and LABoral Centro de Arte in Gijón.
