The artist and creative technologist Alba G. Corral teaches this introductory workshop to the world of generative graphics through the use of the tool Processing. It is an open source programming language and integrated development environment based on Java, easy to use, and which serves as a means for teaching and producing multimedia and interactive digital design projects.
Goals :
• Obtain basic knowledge in the use of the Processing tool• Introduction to the first programming concepts • Have a basis to be able to delve deeper into visual or generative graphic creation • Learning the production methodology, use of network resources to resolve doubts, autonomous learning and group work to resolve problems problems and creation of pieces• Approach to visual code and digital art focused on “art code”
Part 1
-Introduction to Processing, the language of digital sketches-Tour through visual creations and generative graphics-The Processing community-Tool installation
Part 2
-First lines of code. Interface-Few lines of code: great results. Syntax-Let’s learn to talk to the machine and control it-Continuous operation-Interactive drawing with the mouse-Use of the PDF library-Export of the project in vector for printing-Let’s extend Processing: Libraries-Creation of a visual sketch-Export of sketches
Addressed to:Visual artists, designers, programmers and anyone interested in visual code and generative graphics. No prior knowledge required
Requirements: Bring a computer, whether MAC, Windows or Linux
Dates and times: October 16, from 5 to 8 p.m., and October 17, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Price: 35 euros