Gamelab Academy is a dissemination project by Gamelab in collaboration with the Spanish Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences, which aims to bring young people closer to all the creative and professional opportunities that the world of video game creation offers them.
Video games have been the most popular form of digital entertainment in the world for some time now. The unstoppable growth of this industry opens the doors to a job market that is as attractive as it is unknown to the vast majority of students and university students.
Spain is the fourth European market and the sixth in the world in video game consumption, with an approximate turnover for the sector of 2,000 million euros in 2011. Out of a total population of 47 million, it is estimated that there are more than 15 million Spanish players. , who spend approximately 21 million hours a day connected to the video game.
Throughout this day, five experts from the field of video games explain to the participants how this sector has managed to successfully combine several creative disciplines, addressing issues such as design, marketing, music, development, and the strategy and business of video games.
More information and registration
Organized by: Gamelab and the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences.
With the support of: LABoral Center for Art and Industrial Creation, the European Center for Business and Innovation of the Principality of Asturias (CEEI Asturias), the University of Oviedo, the Official College of Computer Engineers of the Principality of Asturias, the Official College of Technical Computer Engineers of the Principality of Asturias and Autodesk.