Round table programme with the participation of María Castellanos, Javier Cristobo, Anna Dumitriu, Alex May, Alberto Valverde & Amanda Wilson
This program of dialogues between art, science an technology aims to bring to the general public the possibilities that arise when approaching these fields of knowledge.
5.30 -6.15 h. Connections: approaches to environmental challenges from art and science
This panel will analyze the connections between art and science and what they can contribute to current environmental problems.
Artists María Castellanos and Alberto Valverde in conversation with Javier Cristobo, Director of the Oceanographic Center of Gijón.
Moderator Karin Ohlenschläger, Artistic Director of LABoral.
6.30-7.15 h. Future life
What forms of “life” can we imagine in a future in which climate change and technological advance will have radically modified today’s civilization?
Artists Anna Dumitriu and Alex May in conversation with Amanda Wilson, researcher at the Department of Life Sciences at Imperial College, London.
Moderator Karin Ohlenschläger, Artistic Director of LABoral.
19.30 h. Presentation of the new ArchaeaBot installation by Anna Dumitriu and Alex May.
Aimed at: all audiences
Free entrance. Limited capacity
The event will have simultaneous translation service
Venue: Plat0 at LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial
The activity is part of the European platform EMAP (European Media Art Platform), a call aimed at European artists who work with new technologies. The EMAP program aims to encourage collaboration between artists and institutions that use these media. LABoral is part of the network of members of the platform together with ten other prestigious European institutions.