To promote a critical and open perspective on film, to disseminate film proposals that document educational practice and to generate a space for debate and exchange of educational models, these are the objectives of this cycle. The films chosen deal with subjects such as freedom and life in society, authority and conduct, creativity and the figure of the teacher. Each screening is accompanied by a text reading that contextualises the film and encourages debate.
Thursday 5 May. Cinema and classroom
Screening of La Cour de Babel, Julie Bertuccelli, 2014 (VOSE)
Moderator: Cecilia Cañedo-Argüelles , psychologist, Gijón
Working text: fragment of “The hypothesis of cinema”, by Alain Bergala
Monday 9 May. Image and clinic
Film: Ce gamin, là, Renaud Victor and Fernand Deligny, 1976 (original version with subtitles in Asturian)
Conversation with Guillermo Rendueles, psychiatrist and essayist, moderated by Alfredo Aracil, cultural worker.
Working text: “Semillas de un crápula”, Fernand Deligny
Friday, 13 May Cinema and Agitation
Screening of Le tombeau d’Alexandre, Chris Marker, 1993 (VOSE)
Moderators: Nacho Muñiz, Gijón Cultural Society, and Diego Díaz, historian and social activist.
Working text: Trains and Ships of Agitation (1918-1921), Carlos Valmaseda
In collaboration with:
Activity subsidised by the Regional Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of the Government of the Principality of Asturias.