For some time now, performers and sound-musical creators have been striving to endow conventional instruments with other expressive capacities by making use of technology, building systems to control timbral, spatial and performative parameters, expanding the possibilities of traditional instruments. This line of work is what will be shown in this concert, by a group of instrumentalists and composers who, continuously, have been the core of the EME5 Electroacoustic Music Encounters, organised by the Municipal Foundation of Culture of Gijón.
· Demodocos Geistesblitz – for augmented violin.
Performer: Alejandro Morán, violin.
· Elogio de lo ausente (on a theme by Schumann) – for toy piano, recorded piano and vibration loudspeaker.
Performer: Yolanda Calvo, toy piano
· Momentum Kinésica – for guitarist, live electronics and two solo guitars.
Performers: Moisés Arnáiz, guitar – Honorino García, sound player.
· Transducción Aérea – for alto saxophone, Sensophone and live electronics.
Performer: Francisco Javier Rodríguez, alto saxophone / soundman
· Turbo (concerted improvisation) – for tuba, live electronics and extended tubas.
Performers: Alfonso Mollá, tuba – Miguel Fernández, sonist
Complete programme, composers and performers [+]