Astrodata. Workshop on the visualization of astronomical data

The astronomical community generates huge amounts of data that are available to any researcher or enthusiast

Until 20 November 2016

The ESO and LABoral are members of the European Digital Art and Science Network. Astrodata is the working group that was set up after the workshop given by Alba G. Corral last April. On this occasion, Jesús Rodríguez from the ESO Data Management and Operations Division is joining the workshop to explain the characteristics and importance of the scientific data.

During this workshop, participants will be working on the different kinds of astronomical data, how they are collected, their implications and their diffusion, as well as being encouraged to think about creativity as a common space for scientific and artistic work and the influence of the dissemination of astronomical observation on the popular scientific imagination, specifically in the case of the ESO.

Aimed for: anyone interested in creative programming in a visual context. No prior knowledge is required. We recommend that you visit the website to get an idea of what can be done with Processing.

Times: Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 2pm.

Place: Classroom 1, LABoral

Participants: 12

Registration: this activity is free.

Taught by: Alba G. Corral, artist and creative technologist, in collaboration with Jesús Rodríguez from the ESO Data Management and Operations Division.
