
Art, Science and Fantasy in 21st Century Asturias

2 September 2022

Round Table at the CometCon 2022 Festival with Pablo de Soto, Rotor-Studio, Nicolás Bardio and Blanca Fernández.

Round Table under the title “Art, Science and Fantasy in 21st Century Asturias” with the participation of Pablo de Soto, Rotor-Studio, Nicolás Bardio and Blanca Fernández.

Rotor-Studio is an artistic duo formed by the artists Román Torre and Ángeles Ángulo specialising in the creation of physical devices halfway between digital craftsmanship, industrial design and audiovisual experience. Nicolás Bardio is a writer and head of Ediciones Radagast, a publishing house specialising in the fantastic genre in Asturian. Blanca Fernández Quintana is a fiction writer and winner of the Enriqueta González Rubín Prize for young fiction.

The activity will take place at the Luis Adaro Exhibition Centre in Gijón as part of the programme of the CometCon’22 Festival, one of the largest alternative culture and leisure events for young people in Asturias and one of the main reference points in the north of Spain.
