Screening of the documentary “2020: The Walk” shows the journey made on foot by artist and activist Marta Moreno Muñoz from Granada to Helsinki to raise awareness of the climate crisis.
The artist and activist Marta Moreno Muñoz is travelling from Granada to Helsinki, and from there to the permafrost, with the occasional support of some trains and a ferry, to raise awareness about travelling without flying and to help spread the ideology of the international social movement Extinction Rebelion.
Accompanied by the artist Oscar Martin, along the four thousand kilometre journey she connected with fellow Extinction Rebelion members and other climate activists, who accompanied her on part of the march through Spain, France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Finland.
The journey has been documented in a film and a book, in which activists and experts in different fields have collaborated and which has been disseminated through social networks.
The screening of the documentary will be followed by the presentation of Culture Declares Emergency, a new platform for climate cultural activism, a node of the existing UK-based Culture Declares.
Activity promoted and financed by the Government of the Principality of Asturias.