Activities for Educational Centres 2014-2015

17th september 2014 – 26th june 2015

LABoral announces its educational programme for 2014-2015, a programme of activities aimed at involving the educational community in the key themes of contemporary art and technological culture linked to industrial creation, encouraging artistic practice and the theoretical dissemination of art and creation among the youngest members of the community.

The activities aimed at school groups for the 2014-2015 academic year will develop some specific aspects of the centre’s own lines of work and will take the form of visits-workshops adapted to the different educational levels (infant, primary and secondary education).

The workshop-visits will be booked in advance by contacting the centre’s mediation team.

  • Let’s make a performance (Infant Education)
  • Sound Workshop (Infant Education)
  • Shadow Theatre Workshop (Primary Education)
  • Stop Motion Workshop (Secondary Education)

Information and registration: / 985 331 907 – 985 185 577

Activity subsidised by the Regional Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of the Government of the Principality of Asturias.
